The Astronaut Hall Of Fame

Outside the Astronaut Hall of Fame is a road sign for the Visitors Complex, some 10 kilometres away across the Indian River.
The high gravity ride. Inside the open cabin door can be seen the video screen that displays a cockpit view from a high perdormance jet fighter. The whole device spins like a centrifuge.

Out through the security checkpoint, I headed west across the causeway towards Titusville. Just west of the drawbridge the road rises slightly out of the Indian River. On the knoll rests the Astronaut Hall Of Fame, into whose grounds I drove at 8:40 am.

After taking some photographs of the building in the morning sunshine, I went inside to further explore its treasures. One advantage of being early was the lack of queues. After watching one person ride it, I braved the G-Force Trainer, a high-G simulator. This spins you around inside a closed cabin while you look at a video screen showing the view from a high performance jet fighter as it does low altitude turns and rolls. The entry sign claimed it pulled 3-gs (an acceleration of 30 metres per second squared). Maybe it did, but it didn't feel as bad as I thought it would.

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Text, images and audio Copyright to Andrew Rennnie, 2010